National Bid Network’s Alternative Energy and Environmental Services
Federal Environmental Leadership
Our company is able to evaluate the mission goals of the various federal agencies and assist with defining the best way to establish and execute environmental protection and stewardship goals, as required by Executive Order 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance.
Envirevive’s Federal Environmental support products include:
Our company is able to assist with the development of policies, programs, and practices that result inbalanced economic, environment, and social benefits. With complete lifecycle analysis we are able toevaluate today’s actions and establish program management action items that will benefit tomorrow.
Envirevive’s Sustainable support products include:
Our company is able to assist the client with the most important aspect of environmental protectionand stewardship. We assist the client with the execution of their plans. The ultimate goal is to allowthe client to realize enhanced mission and business critical accomplishments as result of effectiveenvironmental program execution.
Evirevive’s Staff Level support products include: